The NHS Website contains a wealth of information relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19), including information on how to get a test and information relating to the vaccination rollout.
For more information, please visit: COVID-19 advice and services - NHS (
For information specific to Scotland, please visit: Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland | NHS inform
For information specific to Wales, please visit: Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Public Health Wales (
For information specific to Northern Ireland, please visit: COVID-19 (coronavirus) | HSC Public Health Agency (
If you have been invited to receive a vaccination by your GP practice or your local Primary Care Network and you are having an issue with your booking, please contact your GP practice directly.
For vaccination information, please visit: COVID-19 vaccination - NHS ( If you have an enquiry or are having a problem making a booking please phone 119 (England, Wales & NI) or 0800 030 8013 (Scotland).
If you need help or support with the NHS App account rather than your NHS COVID-19 Test results, please visit: