If you are having issues downloading the latest version of the NHS App, please check:
- You're using either the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to download the NHS App onto your smartphone or tablet: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nhs.online.nhsonline / https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nhs-app/id1388411277?ls=1
- You have enough spare storage space on your smartphone or tablet
- The device's system software/operating system is up to date - we need to keep you safe
- Your App Store or Google Play store settings are set to either the UK, US, Australia or Ireland - You might need to change this in your smartphone or tablet settings
If your tablet cannot receive phone calls and texts, you will also need another device with a UK phone number so that we can send you a temporary access code.
If you are still having difficulties downloading the NHS App, check your smartphone or tablet system support pages.
As an alternative way to access your NHS account, you can use the NHS website.