The NHS Login service is a direct reflection of the information currently held in the GP system; to amend this please get in touch with your GP surgery who will be able to update your details.
The message you are receiving means that the demographic details you have entered as part of the registration process (Name, Surname, Date of Birth, Address, NHS number) do not match the details the NHS has on record for you.
If you need to check your NHS number, you can do so via the below link:
Please let us know if this is the same as your NHS number on your GP record or not.
If your information has been recently updated there may be a delay in seeing new information reflected. Whilst we are unable to provide a specific date/time when this will be completed this is usually takes several days.
If you continue to see the wrong information a week after it has been updated please contact your GP surgery directly to ensure they have synched with Spine PDS.
If you need to verify your identity - we recommend obtaining a PIN document from the GP surgery (account I.D., ODS code and linkage key) which will allow you to verify without taking the photo/video, and will match you directly to your details.