The NHS app is available for patient aged 13 and above.
Patients under the age of 13 cannot use the NHS App at all. Under the age of 13, parents or guardians can request for their child’s record to be linked to their account.
Patients aged 13 to 15 need to contact their practice first and request login credentials for online services before they can access their medical record or order a prescription. The practice may require these patients to undergo a Gillick Competency assessment where they verify the teenager's identity and assess which online services they can access.
A patient aged 13 to 15 cannot self-register for access to their GP health record. This supports practices that have a blanket ban on 13 to 15-year-olds accessing any online GP services.
If your practice allows 13-to-15-year-olds online access, you can proceed down the following route to verify your identity on your NHS Account.
Your practice will give you registration details with 3 pieces of information:
- Account ID
- ODS code
- Linkage key or Passphrase.
If you practice use SystmOnline/Airmid you will be granted a Passphrase.
If your practice use Patient Access you will be granted a Linkage Key.
You will then need to:
- Log in to your NHS account using the NHS App or NHS website.
- Select, "How to prove who you are without sending a photo of your ID".
- Then select, "Yes – I use online services".
- Then select, "Yes – I have all 3 details".
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration.
NHS App - NHS Login without using Photo ID -